
Case Studies

New Acland煤矿是新希望集团的一部分,于2002年10月开始生产. 从那时起,他们已经扩大了他们的经营和生产到目前的4.8 million tons per year.

新阿克兰的独特之处在于,它完全是免下车的, with many employees living in the local community. 很多在这个矿场工作的人是从伊普斯维奇的另一个矿场转来的, 但也有很多是当地农民,他们依靠从矿山获得的工资继续务农.


Coal from New Acland comes from what is called a fine seam mine, 因此,在一些煤层中开采的材料可以小到100毫米,大到2米. 许多2米的煤层都有许多较小的煤层合并成一个, which means there are a lot of partings in between. 这些分离物中粘土甚至岩石含量很高,这使得煤炭很难加工.

To remove the clay and other partings, 当煤经过破碎阶段时,纽阿克兰需要添加大量的水. This can cause many problems to equipment.

“这种资源很难加工,其中一个主要问题是煤中的粘土,在破碎阶段必须加水, which leads to a lot of damage to the seals, early failure of bearings and high maintenance costs, low reliability, and trouble with availabilities in the plant,” said Rob Rashleigh, Plant Manager at New Acland Coal Mine.

In 2009, 该工厂开始升级他们的洗涤工厂,并意识到他们现有的三级浆料机正在通过工厂增加产量的潜在瓶颈. 正是在这一扩张过程中,他们开始寻找现有尺寸的替代品,以消除瓶颈, as well as address the issues of the seals and bearings.

纽阿克兰还记着,他们需要一台筛煤机来处理他们非常坚硬的煤. 该工厂与煤炭行业的其他工厂不同,他们的最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸为38毫米, whereas most are 50 mm. 为了确保硬煤的大小合适,破碎机需要更多的能量和耐磨性.


“当我们第一次开始考虑升级时,我们考虑了几家能够满足我们要求的不同公司, particularly with the bearing arrangement, the segments, 同时我们也想确保我们不会增加煤中的细颗粒物,” said Rashleigh. “所以我们在那个阶段考察了几家不同的公司,并被介绍给了麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.”

因为McLanahan公司提供定制工程流程解决方案, it didn’t suggest a one-size-fits-all solution for New Acland. Instead, McLanahan将几种设计的元素结合起来,提供了一种特殊的三级分级机来处理煤炭. This special sizer included outboard bearings, as well as stud welded segments and faster rotational gearboxes.

“当我们第一次与McLanahan交谈时,我们意识到的最重要的事情之一是,他们很乐意改变设计以满足我们的需求,而不是给我们一个现成的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,” noted Rashleigh. “他们实际上是对一些不同的设备进行了修改,然后想出了我们的设计,所以这对我们来说是独一无二的, and they worked with us throughout that whole stage.”


事实证明,McLanahan第三纪分级器是新阿克兰需要的解决方案. In fact, it proved so successful that after the first installation, 矿场把他们现有的尺寸换成了麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的, including two Secondary Sizers and two Tertiary Sizers.


“One of the biggest problems we had was the maintenance costs. The other machines we had were very high maintenance cost. We were continually replacing bearings seals. 在第一年,我们从McLanahan引进了最初的第三纪规模, we had zero maintenance cost,” noted Rashleigh.

除了通过改进的舷外轴承设计消除维护成本外, McLanahan特别设计的碳化合金浸渍齿在二级尺寸上大大增加了部分的磨损寿命, 允许纽阿克兰在不改变部分的情况下加工500万吨菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

这些改进和减少的维护需求导致两个洗涤厂都能够运行,000 hours for the year. 这是他们在购买McLanahan size之前从未做过的事情, 因为每6到12周他们需要更换轴承或执行其他维护任务. 他们现在能够依靠他们的规模来保持生产.

“对我们来说,最大的问题之一是洗涤设备的可靠性——我们的资源非常困难,” said Rashleigh. “We average probably 50% yield for the year. 我们需要让工厂长时间运转,以获得我们需要的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 在那里有可靠的设备,我们可以依靠,让我们得到那些生产时间.”

拉什利还说,他欣赏的不仅仅是McLanahan的设备, 还有公司与New Acland建立的关系.

“The whole team at McLanahan are really good to deal with. The guys are often on the phone ringing, seeing how things are going, 但当你真正意识到你有一个伟大的团队时,是当迈克·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全自己, when he visits Australia, comes to the mine site and just sits with us and just talks,” he said.

As New Acland Coal Mine looks toward the future, they are in the process of looking to increase production to 7.5 million tons per annum. 这种规模的扩建将在施工阶段为该地区带来更多就业机会, as well as operational jobs due to increased capacity. They know that to make the expansion successful, 他们需要的不仅仅是好的设备,他们还需要一个能帮助他们实现目标的合作伙伴.

“It’s been a really good process working with McLanahan. I consider it a partnership now. 他们不仅仅是我们的供应商,他们还和我们一起解决这些问题. The equipment’s been really good,” said Rashleigh.“Into the future, I don’t see mining getting back to where it used to be, so it’s really important to have a partner like McLanahan.”

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